Courses in Math. Function. Limit.
This page helps you learn how to find the limit of a function in an analytic way.
Function Limit - Analytic Examples.
Example 1. Find the limit of the function:
[x + [x + x1/2]1/2]1/2/[x + 1]1/2
when x tends to +∞
Example 2. Find the limit of the function:
[x1/2 + x1/3 + x1/4]/[2x + 1]1/2
when x tends to +∞
Example 3. Find the limit of the function:
[(1 + 2x)1/2 - 3]/[x1/2 - 2]
when x tends to 4
Example 4. Find the limit of the function:
[(1 - x)1/2 - 3]/[2 + x1/3]
when x tends to -8
Example 5. Find the limit of the function:
[x1/2 - a1/2 + (x - a)1/2]/(x2 - a2)1/2
when x tends to a, a > 0
Sequence. Limit.
If you want to find more analytical examples how to calculate limits go to the page
function - limits - analytical examples.
Series. Convergence.
To train another analytical examples containing limits calculations go to the page
series - convergence - analytical examples.